Red Lipstick on the red carpet | Celebrity News | Hollywood Buzz


Red Lipstick on the red carpet | Celebrity News | Hollywood Buzz
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Red lips are a classic, sexy look that just about any woman can wear. As you can see, our own Alexis is a big fan!

Quote: Alexis Teeling
«You never know. If you feel like a mess, you don’t have time to do your whole makeup or you don’t like your outfit and you need to run in and meet somebody, red lipstick can instantly make you look awake. If you’ve had a long night out, red lipstick is going to make you look put together. So it’s defenitely a style savior.»

Be sure to keep one in your car, your purse, your jacket pocket, anything you often use, because like Alexis said, a red lipstick can really save your look when you need it.

So go ahead and paint that pout red!

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