Which Celebs are game addicts? | Celebrity News | Hollywood Buzz


Which Celebs are game addicts? | Celebrity News | Hollywood Buzz
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If you watch a lot of movies, you might have noticed a trend from the last couple of years: video games are having a bigger and bigger influence on the big screen! Take two of Dwayne Johnson’s last films, for example. In the reboot of ‘Jumanji’ the characters play a video game after which they get sucked into the world of the game, while the action-packed ‘Rampage’ is based on the 1986 arcade game. But there are also recent films like Steven Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ that takes place in a virtual world, or the popular ‘Tomb Raider’ games, which have been rebooted with Alicia Vikander as the kick ass Lara Croft.

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