The Latest Food CRAZE Is Here – Edible Glitter


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The latest food craze is HERE, and it’s probably the most ‘grammable one yet, because it’s EDIBLE GLITTER!

You know how they say “you are what you eat”?

I have a feeling a lot of people are about to become glitter.

Glitter has taken over our decor, our stationary, our clothes, our makeup, and now–it’s about to take over our food.

And I mean ALL our food.

Edible Glitter is a trend that started out slow, fittingly popping up on wedding cakes and inside beautiful glasses of shimmery prosecco, but it’s been picking up the pace and showing up in the most unlikely of foods and beverages.

Thanks to it being so beautiful, fun, and Instagram-worthy, edible glitter is now showing up in lattes, bagels, and even in BEER. Sasquatch Brewery in Portland Oregon created a beer called “Gold Dust Woman” and explained that the glitter QUOTE, “gives [the beer] this really cool…lava lamp galaxy effect in the glass. You can see all of these glitter swirls. All of it coming together in the glass is pretty magical.” The Gold Dust Woman beer sold out in less than a week!

In case you thought the edible glitter craze couldn’t get any crazier, it’s even been used to spruce up PIZZA.

As if pizza NEEDED help to look more delicious.

Of course, with great good trends, comes great responsibility. The FDA has warned consumers to MAKE SURE that they are consuming EDIBLE glitter, which is different from regular glitter, which is made out of plastic. Glitter that is edible will be clearly labeled as “edible”, and will also have ingredients listed on the packaging.

We really don’t need another Tide Pod phenomenon on our hands, so please, DON’T eat plastic, inedible glitter, people.

Okay guys so now I wanna know what food do YOU want to see edible glitter on next? French fries, Starbucks frappuccinos, broccoli?! Sound off in the comments with your answers, and then click right over here to see some adorable puppies take on the American Ninja Warrior course. I promise it’ll be the cutest thing you’ll see all day. Thanks so much for hanging with me on News Feed, and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button for more Clevver! As always I’m your host Emile Ennis Jr., and I’ll see you next time!

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5 Comentarios

  1. Edible glitter isn’t really edible it’s just food contact safe, which means that it isn’t toxic or anything but it’s still plastic and it won’t be prossed by the body, it’ll just «throw» it out. There is a version which is just colored sugar crystals which aren’t as pretty but they are 100% edible. In pastry plastic glitter is called Disco dust and pastry chefs will tell you that it is food contact safe but not edible.

  2. It’s nontoxic, not edible. Kinda ironic mentioning the Tide Pod challenge when EDIBLE glitter isn’t a real thing. It’s meant for Decoration but not to eat it whole.

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